Mailing List

Join our mailing list here

Members of our email list get free exclusive benefits such as early access to preorders of the fanzine and exclusive extra items. We never charge extra for these.

We now have over 2,700 subscribers to the list – and we only produce 1,000 copies of each issue – so early access to pre-orders is becoming more and more important. There’s every chance we may sell out just to subscribers in the future, so it’s more important than ever to be a member.

Also, list members are kept fully informed about when each issue is available so that they never miss a copy. We don’t run a subscription service, as many magazines do, because we don’t publish to a schedule (rather, we release an issue when it’s ready). Therefore, the email list is a good way to ensure you don’t miss it!

We won’t spam you – it’s just fanzine news and updates with occasional offers.